"Julie was better than a couple chronic pain therapists I have seen." 

I would highly recommend Julie!  I've had severe, chronic pain since a hysterectomy 9 years ago and in 11 sessions the pain went from a 10 to a 2.  It's continuing to go decrease, and I have complete confidence that my pelvic pain will be gone.  I haven't allowed myself to look forward to the future because I allowed the pain to hold me back.  Julie gave me tools to help me significantly reduce my pain.  I feel an overall sense of calm and relaxation that I haven't had since my surgery.  

I felt extremely comfortable opening up to Julie.  She is very supportive, honest, kind and truly listened to me.  She is completely non-judgmental and made me feel safe sharing my intimate stories with her.  She picked up on things with me that I wasn't even aware of.  She gently suggested I work on those issues. I am no very aware of my thoughts and how they affect my overall well-being.  I am mindful with my actions and words.  I have been reading books about chronic pain and general self-help for years, but I never knew how to apply this information until I met Julie.  She was able to help me put the puzzle pieces together, so to speak, and apply it to my healing.  

If you've been searching for answers for how to eliminate chronic pain and anxiety, I know that Julie helped me tremendously!  I exhausted all other healthcare and mental health care options and finally found relief with Julie's expert guidance.  I would suggest her services to any of my girlfriends experiencing chronic pain, anxiety or just feel like they want to improve their quality of life.  I can't thank her enough for giving me the tools to help myself and live a life without chronic pain!

Lory C. 

"I think it is really important that people know you are so perceptive, and you used our time so well."

I understand my thoughts so much more now. I was unaware of many thoughts or took them as a given or truth, and now I see my thoughts as fleeting, as not truths, and something that needs to be monitored! As the weeks went by, I really felt like I could open up to you. I liked "storing up" both triumphs and troubles to be able to share with you on Monday.

I did not feel isolated and alone on my pain journey. Whether it was positive or negative I really looked forward to sharing my week with you. I think it is really important that people know you are so perceptive and you used our time so well. The weeks involving the power of language, core beliefs, and my future self really made dramatic, quick improvements to my quality of life. I really enjoyed our time together and got more out of your program than I could have dreamed. Thank you for everything!

Cyndi Poylio

"I have learned tools that I can use every day for the rest of my life."

I am so proud of better understanding how m nervous system works and how to soothe it. I am proud of who I have become through your teachings. You have changed my life for the better and I can't thank you enough. I am so lucky to have met you, and appreciate all the advice and words of wisdom you have given me. I feel so fortunate to have been taught by you and just want to thank you for dedicating your life to this because you have truly changed mine.

Gaby Puentes

"For the first time in a long time, I’m starting to see I’m safe and there is nothing to be afraid of."

My fear is decreasing. No matter how hard I tried before this program, fear and anxiety would always get me. For the first time in a long time, I’m starting to see I’m safe and there is nothing to be afraid of.

This is the most important investment someone can make. Even outside of TMS, it is critical to learn these tools to develop an awareness and to realize we no longer have to feel like prisoners to our thoughts / patterns/ conditioned behaviors.

I am so grateful for the work that you are doing! It is clear you have a passion for helping others and this comes across in the most beautiful way during the program.


"I learned a lot about myself through this process. I am forever grateful for our time together." 

I actually did not have any hesitations about working together.  I am very interested and open to learning a new way of thinking.  I was excited and I trusted you completely through the process. I have learned that it’s OK to feel the way I do.  One of my important learnings was my thoughts create my feelings.  That is a very simple concept, yet so powerful.  I have also learned that other people’s feelings are not my responsibility and that setting boundaries is imperative to leading a healthy life.  It is OK to say “no” with no explanation.

I loved your gently and compassionate approach.  You were awesome about sharing feedback even when it was hard for me to hear.  I loved that you gave me space when learning new concepts and giving me permission to take my time as I explored a new way of thinking and doing things a different way.

You have a lot of knowledge and resources to help any person through any circumstance.  You are kind, compassionate and very helpful.  If you don’t know or have a resource to navigate a specific situation you will find them.

Kelly Davis



"I am excited about my future for the first time in 2 years."

I am no longer living in fear. That I understand how my brain is working and that I am in control.  I wouldn’t begin to know how to navigate this work without you. The support, the knowledge. Having someone on my team who really listened and understood. You are very compassionate. I didn’t even see the inconsistencies in my symptoms until we worked together. Your kindness and support have been invaluable to me. I am excited about my future for the first time in 2 years.

Sharon Lewis

 "I have adopted a way slower pace of life that has enabled my nervous system to greatly relax."

Julie is a great coach. She gives generously of her time with you. I felt wrapped in the warmth of her compassion. I knew heaps about the mindbody theory and believed in it and applied it to myself. However it wasn’t until working with Julie that it all fell into place and my genuine mindbody journey began.


"I've been able to lift Ronald!"

I've been allowing my feelings - been going really well. I've hardly had any pain. 


"I can’t help but feel an incredible sense of gratitude for the time you spent working with me."

How could I have been more lucky and privileged? My mind is literally blown when I reflect on the leaps and bounds I have made towards living much more “comfortably”  in my body in 2022.

Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with me. Your work (your gift), made life altering impact in my life. I will forever be grateful that our paths crossed. Thank you for making 2022 a year of magic, a year where my dreams literally came true.


 "Yesterday and today my symptoms have been WAY better. I even spent all of this morning, completely symptom-free!"

I realized I hadn't thought about my pain all morning, which hasn't happened in a long time. And even when it did pop back up, the concept of allowing has been quite soothing with the mantra that goes with it. Thanks so much! 


"Our sessions helped me identify and confront my issues without ever making me feel less than." 

When I began my sessions with Julie I was struggling both emotionally and physically. Stuck in what felt like quicksand. Julie taught me how unhelpful our thoughts can be to not only our mind but to our physical health and with compassion and thoughtful guidance supplied me with the necessary tools to cultivate kindness towards myself and shift my unhealthy thinking and patterns into positive healthy thoughts and beliefs.

Every session we had was productive, leaving me feeling both inspired and clear. Her mind body techniques are extremely helpful and healing. Working with Julie was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself.  She is a light in the world of wellness and working with her was truly a life changing experience. 



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